Hello there!

I'm Caro. I am a strategic designer who enjoys challenging the status quo of things and creating innovations that make tomorrow's world a little better.

Sneak Peeks into my work

To give you an idea of my work as a strategic designer, I have gathered a few insights from my work. Most of my professional experience is confidential, but I'm happy to share some insights personally if you're interested. Have fun looking around and feel free to contact me if you have any questions. 

How to improve the mental health of students at universities (master thesis, 2022).

customer service page

Management, UX design and implementation of a service page concept (2022).


How to change museums experience from passiv to participative (2021).

purpose model canvas

Creation of a new method as a guideline to find and follow one's own purpose (2021).


How to do good with design (2020-2021).

How to learn coding in german primary schools (bachelor thesis, 2019-2020).

How to improve communication between hearing-impaired and hearing people (2017-2018).

How to make good sound affordable and fun for young generations (2017).